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(5 YRS – 6 YEARS)

Primary 1 Foundation



At Rain Tree Montessori Childcare Center, from age 5 onward, children progress at a rapid pace. Children are more vocal, chattier and are inclined towards forming friendships and working together. Although they are still egocentric to some extent, they learn to empathize and see from other perspectives. Their hunger for knowledge escalates by leaps and bounds. A Montessori Prepared Childcare Environment provides a conducive environment for this group of children to do further explorations and push their language, literacy, and math skills to a greater height.

Our preschool materials become progressively abstract in nature. For example, children move from using beads to using just number symbols or in combination with concrete materials, when doing operations. The great variety of Rain Tree Montessori Math materials allow the children to understand in depth, the Math concepts. As for Language, their reading level moves from reading words to reading phrases, sentences and at an advanced level - reading story booklets. As preparation for the Primary school years, our preschool's children in this group are exposed to writing whereby they use their knowledge of phonics and grammar to start on comprehension and creative writing activities.

Their curious minds towards nature, are given ample opportunities to blossom using Cultural materials. They explore in varied details, the characteristics of living and non-living things, get to understand the cosmic world through learning about the earth, the continents and oceans. They get to explore how their birthdays are related to the movement of the earth around the sun! Rain Tree Montessori Cultural materials are a sheer joy for children to learn about the world around them!

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At Rain Tree Montessori, our learning goals for children in Primary 1 Foundation, are as follows:

  • Further refine gross and fine motor skills

  • Learn the nuances of Language (English and Chinese)

  • Recognize blends and read longer phonetic words

  • Learn phonograms  

  • Learn to build words, moving from phonetic to non-phonetic

  • Learn to read words with phonograms

  • Learn more elements of Grammar through games and specific materials

  • Attempt at creative writing and free expression to use invented spellings

  • Refine counting skills

  • Refine Math concepts while using specific Math materials

  • Apply Mathematical language while solving problem sums

  • Prepare for Primary 1 Language and Math abilities

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